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Ai Shi Teru <3
That girl.

Imma Effa. 13 years young. Attached. :D



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Whattaya want?

Babes, Hunks and Blood.


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For you stalkers.

May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
November 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010 - Monday, May 31, 2010
Great Singapore Sale !

Hey Sayaaaaangs . Sorry for not updating my blog yesterday. Lil bro tak bagy aku pakai lappy uhh. Nabeyh. Alright, lets just talk bout yesterday.

The day before yesterday ( Saturday ), I went to Expo 'coz got John Little Sale. So yeaah, MRT-ed to tanah merah then took the middle train to Expo. Mama dont wanna drive as she predicted that the carpark was full. and hell yeaah, the carpark was full. Then walked to expo . Siyal larrh, that place was packed with people. Like seriouslyy.

Went to the technology thingyy 'coz Yaani want to buy Nikon Camera which costs around 1000++ Bucks . BUT its was too expensive so mama didnt buy it for her. Kesian seyhh. haha ! Just so you know, Si yaani ni claimed that she is a photographer. When I heard that , I LAUGHED OUT LOUD. HAHAHAHA!

Then , we went to John Little. wee~ Bought Green Skinnies for about 6 bucks . DamnDamn Cheap seyhh.. Planned to buy this particular dress which costs 9 bucks but I dont have any shoes to pair it with so I didnt but it. sadded. Went to the cashier. The queue was damn long. penat seyhh line up. After paying , We went to the popular nyerr tempat. I bought nothing. but siblings bought Files and pencil case. Paid then chiao.

It was 2045 . So planned to have dinner at Food Culture. MRT-ed to Tampines then went to Food Culture. Ate chicken noodles. Then went home.

Pat rumah , I otp-ed till 0015. Cool seyhh. peyh lamer kiter bobal. lepas otp, tido. :D

Yesterday , went to Rimon's house. Makan2 then chiao balek. At Home, studied till 0010. Pheww. And todayy, mendak. tak kluar.

K arh, chiao. Assalamualaikum .

Saturday, May 29, 2010 - Saturday, May 29, 2010
Simpang Bedok (!)

Heyyyyy Sayaaangs . Long time no see you . Chey, of course arhh . haha ! Since holidays start now, That means I will not be meeting My dear irratating classmates . I mean , not all of them but most of them. Basically , i will be meeting with my dear cliques ; AmyBaby , AmiraSayaang , RashiqaSugarBabe and WaniGdGirl because we need to finish up the music MTV thingyy. Can't wait though. oh and yeaah , Cherating here I come ! hehe ! Awesome. i heard there's 'waterworld' there , better than sunway lagoon . wee~ tak sabar woi .

Let me tell you bout yesterday.

Parents planned to go Johor and told me that Granddady wanted to tag along . Then they asked me if I wanted to tag along or stay with Granny. I told them that I want to stay with granny. Kalau aku ikot , confirm kecoh so might as well stay with grandma .
Car-ed to Clementi (Grandparents' house) . Journey from Tampines to Clementi was about 45 minutes. Peyh lamer ! I listened music all the way. When we arrived at their house, parents wanted to have breakfast there. Granny cooked nasi lemak. Her nasi lemak is the best ! Delicious . After eating, parents , Granddad and Mirza py Jb while me , yaani and sabrina stayed with Granny. Watched scary Indon movie ; Rasa. not that scary. aku tak takot pon. cam paham. haha ! Then, Makusu came. She ajak-ed me and yaani to Jurong Point. Shopping laah. MRT-ed to Boon Lay . Then shopping. Great Singapore Sale perh, the place was packed with shopaholics. BlahBlahBlah. Then, Makusu wanted to go to this malay shop to buy powder. Im not into make-up so I waited for them outside the shop. Then skali , satu makcik yg distribute flyers ni cari pasal ngan aku.

Makcik ; Eh Rukiah , kau tgk budak yg pakai shorts Pink tu. *damn loud*
Makcik's friend; Asal ?
Makcik ; Dier mcm sombong jerr.
Makcik's friend ; ehk ? ouh. aku tak tanyer pon.
Makcik ; tengok uhh dier. Mintak kene lempang jer.

Then, I went to her and sound her. Like cmon. aku tk cari kacau dier beyh nak sindir2 aku.
haissh, people nowadays..... tak kuase nak layan. after shopping, went to Granny's house.
Slept for about 2 hours (?) then, parents came. They said they wanted to go Airport 'coz Tante Ros nak balek denmark. makusu balek. Parents asked grandparents if they want to follow us. They said they want to follow. So yeaah, went home. bathed then went to Simpang Bedok to meet Cousins. Ate prata there. Yummy. then went to T3 . Played with niece . Awesome. then hantar Tante Ros to the check in thingyy then went home. Grandparents overnight.

So yeaah, will be out todayy. Bye. assalamualaikum.

Thursday, May 27, 2010 - Thursday, May 27, 2010
Holidays, baby !

HeyHey . sorry for not updating . Was busy with school and stuffs. So yeaah, gonna elaborate what happened a few days back.

Yesterday, went kayaking. Awesome ! The place where we kayak-ed is super duper big ( and deep too ) . At first, we need to have a swimming test . Me, Amy , Rashiqa and Wani dont know how to swim. Like seriouslyy. We panicked. When we swim , Amy shouted " ARRRRGGGHHHHH !!!! SINI DEEP SAK !!! " we were like :O . We hold our hands and swim together. Sisters perh , We shall die together. haha ! Its like effing deep. VERY VERY DEEP. I was struggling to get to the shore. Then, when we reached the shore, the instructor told us bout kayaking and stuff . After for about 10 minutes, he asked us to kayak. He asked us to find a partner ; so , as usual , my partner was AmyBaby. Amy sat in front and I sat behind. We were so kecoh. We didnt know where we were going. Kekek siol. then , blahblahblah. After kayaking , need to shower . Basically , AmyBaby and I didnt shower there . Amy should knoww whyy. Haha ! Then, bus-ed to school. Once we reached there, Both of us just changed our Swimsuit and PE to our commemerative shirts. then, ate at canteen . Penat seyhh.

todayy, got back our report books. guess whuat , Im the 37th in class. I cried like baby sia. maybe yeaah, i am stupid. PARENTS TEACHER CONFERENCE SUCK BIG TIME. like seriously, Mama told everything to teacher. Like EVERYTHING.
no mood siaa.

dah lah . .. im pretty upset .. bye. assalamualaikum

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 - Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Computer Lab 1

HeyHey ! Just so you know, imma in computer lab right now. Damn bloody cold I tell ya. Need to do the survey thingy by today. haha! sempat sakk update blog. haha!

Tomorrow KAYAKING !!! imma so EXCITED ! hehe

will update blog later ayte. toodles. assalamualaikum.

Sunday, May 23, 2010 - Sunday, May 23, 2010
Stitch's sake

HeyHey ! I deleted my previous blog 'coz no one reads my blog. But Stitch told me that she reads my blog and hell yeah asked me to make a new one. For Stitch's sake, I made a new one. hehe! At least someone reads my blog rather than no one. BLUEEK! :P

What should I write ? I have no idea what to write. Hmmmm.......let's talk 'bout school. I know that it is a boring subject but that's the only subject that is in my mind right now.

Just so you know, MYE results are out and I must say that I am pretty upset . Cmon , I failed 4 subjects. Wtf ?! Told my mom bout it and she just say , you better buck up. So yeaah, I BETTER buck up. It is for my own good. My dad always say , I dont care if you study or not, Its your own future. And I kinda agree with him. Its for my own future. I don't wanna be a road sweeper in future. I wanna be a successful woman. Hope so. amin. So yeaah, I must study. alright, stop it seyhh with my blabbering . Did I say about kayaking ? I guess , I haven't . Fyi, on wednesday, Im going kayaking with my classmates. wee~ AWESOME. I hope It doesn't rain on that day. Weather is unpredictable. and hell yeaah, I'm looking forward ayte.

Alright, let's talk bout home.

i have been pretty stressed with my siblings. They are some immatured creatures. I regret telling my siblings my deep secrets. They always threaten me. example. My bro always play with my itouch and hell yeah, I have not been playing it because he keeps on controlling it. Whenever he wanted to borrow my itouch, i keep on saying no. And guess what , he said , you better lend it to me or i'll tell mama your secrets. Whuat the fcuk right?! I feel like I wanna kill myself. Nabeyh peyh adek2. And not to mention, they always maki2 me. KurangHajar! Fcuk them ayte.

Oh shit, i need to shower right now. gtg Sayaaangs. bye. Assalamualaikum.