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Ai Shi Teru <3
That girl.

Imma Effa. 13 years young. Attached. :D



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Babes, Hunks and Blood.


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For you stalkers.

May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
November 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010 - Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hey,Hello! Effa readers :)
IRMA here, her junior. Andand her sister's bestieee.
Here im posting for Effa. She suddenly ask me to blog for her. HAHA.
Anw! I MISS EFFA ! so much :(
Really miss those times where we used to be together.
Miss taking our school bus with her, miss playing with her,
and everything that we did together. I just hope we can be like the pastimes.
Till here then :) Im sososo blank ^^
And Effa, meet you soon alright . TakeCaree, have a great time
with your new friends, Hilwah, Alifah, Nyimas, Amy and more.
Be happy always senior!
Loveyou ♥♥♥

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - Wednesday, June 23, 2010

220610 ; awesome date ever ( so far ) . Whyy ? My bitches came to my house and did our mtv thingyy. Sumpah gerek . Will elaborate.
On 210610 , at around 10:30 pm , Amy texted me to call her immediately . Called her. She told me that Wani and her will be coming to my house the next morning at 10 am to get started with our project. I was like ,
She told me that Wani can only meet us at 10 am - 2 pm . I was like owhkayy . Then hung up and called Mira. We talked about Project and she said she could come. Then otp-ed for awhile. hung up 'coz she wanted to call Amy . After 10 minutes , She called my house . Then otp-ed. Around 11++ , We hung up . Then , Slept.
Alarmed at 6.30 . Snooze. At around 8 then I woke up . Teros Effa call Mira. Otp-ed. Then teringat Untuk siang kan . Hung up. Siang ikan. Then masak asam pedas. First time siyol . So , it takes time to prepare it.
Amy called. She told me that She will be arriving soon . Hung up. Panicked . Whyy ? Effa lom lagy mandi. HAH. Goreng ikan. Sempat siyol . Then Amy and the rest dah pat depan pintu. Suroh doraang masok . Buat air untuk dorang and didnt realise that I left My ikan terlalu lama pat dalam kuali . Panicked. Terbalik kn ikan tu and guess what ? Ikan tuh BLACK , LIKE VERY BLACK . Mira masok dalam dapur and she saw my ikan. She laughed siyol . Hmmph . Tarkperh .
Then mandi . Pakai baju then tengok mtv ngan doraang. That time , "citerh" yg karaoke tuh . Then lagu favourite Amy , The climb, aderh. We sang like mad women siaa. HAHA !
Then py my bilik . Planned everything . Chose the song Perfect two at first. Sang with Amy . Video pat my fb. Tengok yer(: chey. But then . dk whuat to dance . So , chose the song Telephone instead. Sumparh kekek . Then made the video. Then ate. Then doraang gy jumperh Alifah.
P.S. Pictures tark leyh upload. Sorry babes. Will try. :D
Hylwah ; kau nark tawu saperh 'someone' ? Find it out yourself. HEH. Aku tak kn katerh paperh pasal 'someone' . LOL. Happy finding.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 - Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Awesome day with my babes.

Monday, June 21, 2010 - Monday, June 21, 2010

Currentlyy , Im watching Om Shanti Om. Bestest Hindustan Movie ever ! Lagu dher power2 Siol. HAH. Speaking of that , I Suddenly remember of Shakirah. She was the one who recommended me that movie when we were p5 . -.-"

That time, Im not into Hindustan Movies so i just nod my head. hah. Sorry ehk sha . Then, mama bought the CD. Watched3 . Sumpah Effa Nanges . Tark perlu bilang seyh . Starting from that on , I love watching hindustan. HEH. tapyy, tark slalu tgk arh. -.-"

- Monday, June 21, 2010

Gawd . Next week dah start skolah . Nampak - Nampaknyer , Effa tarkleyh tido kul 2 am lagyy . kalau tarkleyh tido kul 2am that means Effa tarkleyh otp. Haisshh.. Aperlah nasib ... tapy Effa tark kesah pon kalau tark otp. Whyy ? Its always the same dude that i've been otp-ing with for the past 2 months. I mean , yeaah , bagoslah kalau camtu tapy... Arh.. susah seyhh nark explain .

Speaking of that , effa darh lamer tark top-up pp8 . Malas siol. Cheyy tarklarh. Pokai seyhh. LOL. Kalau Effa top up pon , tarkdher aderh org pon text. Silent seyhh phone Effa. Hmmph !

Darh lah bye ! Assalamualaikum

Saturday, June 19, 2010 - Saturday, June 19, 2010

Yesterday, went out with mama and sotongs . We went to TM then Food Culture. Tapy kiterh tark makan pat sana. Kiterh tapao. Effa ngan Yaani tunggu pat luar food culture. Ni kes malas nak queue up for food. HAH. so yeaah, then tiberh2 SabHippo nak muntah . Ajak arh dher py toilet. dah sampai toilet, Aderh arh Minah umor cam adeq gytu stare2 pat Effa. Boiling arh. Like seriouslyy. Tapy Effa tak nak kecoh so malas nak sound dher. Lepas tuh , went home. Charged hp . Tarkderh oraang message so buat bodoh jer uh. Silent jerr phonekuu. Hish. Then tydo kul 1++ am gytu.

Tady , baru jerh otp ngan Shakirah ! wee ~ Effa rinduu dher sangat2. We gossiped. Hah. AMIR BANGON LARH CEPAT , BINI KAU NARK OTP NGAN KAU UH GENDENG . HAH. so yeaah. then hung up pasal sha nark py marina barrage.

Aderh saperh2 nak otp ngan Effa Setiap malam dalam kul 11++ onwards? Kalau nark, picit effa. I wont reply but I will call you. HAH. pp8 low arh . (:

Bye arh. Assalamualaikum .

Friday, June 18, 2010 - Friday, June 18, 2010
Zaman lamerh. .

Guy in yellow , my daddy (:

Termenung jaoh perh ?

Dating ehk ? last long (: HAH.


happy family

I was randomly Looking at my album when i came across these pictures(:

- Friday, June 18, 2010

Mama washed my bantal busuk siol. Sumpaah mepek . I hate it. Smalam Effa tarkleyh tido pasal Effa Tark pelok bantal busuk. Siyalan . ARRGGHH !! Hari nii, bantal busuk dh kering . Sumpah bau laen. Effa Tark suka larh ! EEEEE~

Ehk guys, I have been flooding Adli Danish's formspring. I just love flooding his formspring. HAHAHA ! I dont even knoww whyy. Confirm Adli geram ngan aku. Kan Adli ? haha ! k , larh.

Buhbye. Love you guys. Assalamualaikum.

Thursday, June 17, 2010 - Thursday, June 17, 2010
Imma still waiting for you

Im not in the mood of updating my blog actually but I guess I have nothing better to do So might as well update my blog. So yeaah, Just now saw Akif And Akmal distribute flyers at my block. They passed by my house and they were like " HAI !!!! " and waved frantically. I ignored them 'coz I thought they were waving at my brother. Heck care lorh..
Today woke up at 11pm. HAH. I slept at 2++ am . Something happened so I cried and cried till I fell asleep. wont elaborate what happened(:

I wonder when Amy , Amira, Rashiqa and wani will come to my house and finish up our project. hmm..

Mendaq uh. Bye. Assalamualaikum


Tuesday, June 15, 2010 - Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hey sexay ! Gosh ! I miss blogging larh.. Btw, Im back from Kuantan ! yeeeehaaaa ! Awesome siol ! I'll elaborate ayte..

Woke up ard 7 am . Tuh pon kene tendang dari Mirza. Kuranghajar peyh adeq. Then, bathe. Ate breakfast. At 9 am, car-ed to T3 to fetch mama from work then chio to grandparents' . Fetch grandparents and went home. Then, Idk what happened next. Slept at 1++am coz I cannot sleep. You see...I usually sleep at 2 am.

Woke up at 2 am. Bathed. off to Muzaffar's . Then Went to woodlands checkpoint. breakfast at a restaurant @ Yong peng. After eating, off to Kuantan. It was a 5hr journey. Pantat aku saket sia dudok pat car. Bilerh dah sampai Kuantan, kiterh py Giant. Then off to Homestay peyh rumah. Rumah dher sumpah lawa gyler nak mams. relek2 jap then dinner pat satu kedai ni. Kiterh makan ikan bakar. Sumpah sedap. Just so you know, I sat cross-legged on the chair. whyy? coz There was this cat under our table. Dont get me wrong. I love cats but I have to admit that I am afraid of them. shush, it'll be our little secret ayte. Then went "home". Slept at 2 am.

Woke up at 8 am. Bathed. Then off to water park at Bukit gambang. Sumpah gerek. Wont elaborate more.

Woke up. Bathed. and off to Cherating beach. Air dher jernih siol. swim2 for 5 hours. And noww, Im having Sunburn. )):

balek Sg. Haish. sadded. Boring arh.. Checked hp. got 6 messages. Pp8 low. so cannot reply. sorry guys. I reply some of it below Ayte.

Hylwah: Aku tak kenal saperh asyruff yang kau maksodkan nii. Aku cumerh kenal ashraf or ashruff jerr. Just so you know, Aku tak penah bagy number kau pat ashraf yang aku kenal nii. Terserah kau laah lau kau nak percayer aku ke tak. bye.

Ashraf; Hey(: sorry pasal tarkleh reply . pp8 low. You should received a message from My friend by this mornin', I presumed. So yeaah, Paperh picit. Bye(:

Shahiran; hey. Lamerh tark message. Asal tiberh2 message nii ? tarkperh lahh. Paperh chat. bye.

i guess that's all. Assalamulaikum(:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 - Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Hello Men, Women, Girls, Boys, Atok, Nenek, Makcik, Pakcik, Betine, Jantan, Gays, Tomboys and many more uhh. Im freaking bored arh. just now, no mood. Someone pissed me off. But now, Imma hyper again. Whyy? 'Coz I watched a funny video from Awie's fb. Its actually a cover of nurain uhh. and Safaraz was there. Musibot, nyanyi sedap2 beyh si safaraz ni buat klakar. Aku ketawe terbahak2 siol. Actually, before watching this video, Im not in the mood of updating my blog. Thanks to the video or should i say Safaraz, Old Effa is back ! wee~ HAHA! alright, I shall update bout yester and today ayte.

My keluarga (arh kau! bahasa melayu yang baku siol!) went to Challenger to buy a headphone for me. Saw this beautiful headphone and bought it. It's Shocking Pink Onto headphone. It looks like Hylwah's but I think Hers is not Onto. Idk what brand is hylwah's. After buying that headphone, we went to BHG . Otw, saw Adli \m/ and gang at Bossini. Bilerh dah sampai part BHG, kuu nampak satu budak ni dari 1T1. Aku tark tawu namer dher aperh. Tak tegur. Bought Facetowels then chiao py Miz 29 . Yaani nak beli kasot VANS. Check2 , takdher size dher. Then chiao py Isetan. Aku terluper aper bende kiterh beli. Then balek. Otw home, Saw this actor; Hasif. He was the one who acts in FIrst Class. WOW. hot gyler nark mampos. Caer aku. K, stop it. Home sweet home. Malam, sumpah takderh mood. As usual, otp-ed with someone. Tapy , kuu tark layan dher sangat. Dher nyanyi pon aku ngah ZZZZZZZ. Aperh ntah dher cakap then, hung up . Lepas tuh flat. Waah, penat.

Woke up at 10. Tuh pon kene kejot. Kalau tak kene kejot, kuu rase kuu akan bangon kul 1. naseb adek kuu Kejot. kalau tak, mampos . mama confirm lecture aku. So , bangon. Angkat baju. Masak sarapan. Makan. then mandi. and now, blogging. haish, mendak.

Whoots~! 2 more days to Kuantan ! can't wait siol! haha, mampos abg muzaffar. Confirm bulu kaki dher aku tarek lagy. HAH. k arh, bye. Assalamualaikum wahai orang Islam.

Monday, June 7, 2010 - Monday, June 07, 2010

Hello World ~! Imma so sorry for not updating this blog of mine yesterday. Mama tak bagy kuu maen uhh. Im just gonna update bout Saturday, Yesterday and definitely today then.

Sunday, It was Granddad's birthday. I can't remember his age. I only knoww that he is 60+ years old. HAH. bertuah peyh cucu. Went geylang on that day with Maklong , Paklong and Yaani. Bought loads of stuffs for grandparents. Waaah, heavy you knoww. Then, went to clementi. Bilerh sampai pat Clementi jerh , aku ngan yaani teros pyy kedai mamak pasal kuu nak beli pp8 card. Kiterh lari seyh. biler sampai pat sanerh , check2 $10 singtel pp8 card dahbes. waah, musibot. yang aderh cumer $128 singtel jerhh. -.- aku cumerh bawa $12 jerrh. haish, waste energy akuh jerh lari. Then, py kedai ciner ni. Tanyer aderh jual tu pp8 card tak. oraang tuh pon katerh takderh. haish... Gave up. Went to grandparent's straight after that. Nenek Masak nasi minyak. WOW. peyh sedaap. Yummy. Lepas makan , tolong nenek pat dapur. baek kan aku? cheyy.. lepas tuh kuu tido. Then , parents and 2 sotongs came. Mirza wake me up 'coz i slept till 6.30 . Whoaa. Then eat nasi minyak again. HAH. then makusu came to me and said , kak, kau ngigau ehk? asal kau makan lagy?? I was sleepy still. Wow. Then py tingkap dapur tengok2 atmosphere pat luar bilerh maghrib. kuu ternampak bende. then, papa remind aku untok jangan tgk pat luar. Malas arh nak elaborate tuh bende. Lepas maghrib, Sumerh tgk adnan sempit. i watched that movie for the 100th time. haissh, peyh boring.. FAKE. tak boring , gerek ! Lepas tuh, balek. Salam2 sumerh then went home. sampai pat rumah, ku check phonekuu. Takderh miss call atau message pon. takperh-.- . mandi then flat. tido.

Yesterday plak, ard around 6.30 pm , Pergy geylang lagy. Kuu nampak betine. HAH. stop it seyh effa ! Had dinner ard Changi point. Famous port for bapoks. HAHA. Saw 1 bapok. LAWA GYLER NAK MAMPOS. He was wearing a tube dress. Wow. ku ingat kan pompuan , check2 Laki. hah. ordered kueh teow goreng. Sedarph. After eating , Went home. Sampai rumah, check phonekuu. aderh 2 miss calls from someone. Called dher balek. then otp-ed till 12 am. Wow. Made lame jokes , talked bout paris hilton , ghost stories. Waah, ghost stories peyh seraam. Tgh bobal2 skali aderh pompuan jerit. And it came from my room . mak kau ! bilaang dher then dher col. Kuu teros menggigil . Dher pon samerh. Then , we sing2 then chiao tydo . HAHA.

Today plak, Kuu bangon kul 10.30 . Tuh pon kene kejot dari Yaani. Wah, dher pekik2 pat akuh suro akuh bangon. bukannyer tuh kurang hajar? Haish.. Then, did housechores . and now, blogging. im going to buy headphone later with mama. wee~

Bye sayaangs. Assalamulaikum ((:

Saturday, June 5, 2010 - Saturday, June 05, 2010

Hello People ! Sorry for not updating yesterday. I tried logging in but it says , bad HTTP . Please try again later. Waah , Tried again but still the same thing. -.- Buat aku gyler jer . I wasted 1/2 hour just like that.

So yeaaaah, My dear pb, aku dh edit lyrics dugaan dari illahi. kau py tgk sendiri uhh kalau aku edit betol ke tak. :D

basically , Yesterday, did housechores, study and random stuffs. haissh, mendak nyer hdupkuu ini. BUT, yesterday night , i called My dear Shakirah . Waaaaaah, Then kiterh duer buat mataer dher jealous. HAH. peyh kekek. While otp-ing, someone texted me to call him/her back. So , told Shakirah that I wanted to otp with someone. Hung up and called someone. Bobal , made lame jokes and ghost stories for 1hr++ . Then , i told him/her to wait for awhile 'coz I wanted to do something. Lepas katerh gytu , aku teros tido siak with the phone on my ear. ard 1 am SHARP, aku terbangon. and guess whuat , someone was snoring. Wah sian, kekek siol. aku nak ketawer seyhh tapy aku tahan pasal aku tak nak dher bangon. Aku tunggu dher bangon for 2hr tapy dher tak bangon2. Starting from that on, I sing Jiwang songs and terlelap. HAH. amek kau ! Then ard 5.33 am, I woke up and realised that I havent put down the phone. I 'told' someone goodnite and all that kind of stuffs ( I know, he/she didnt hear) and hung up. At least aku mcm budak gyler katerh gd nite pat dher . dher , katerh gd nite pon tak beyh teros tido. Bluek uhh kau ! FAKE EHK. HAH.

Im going to nenek's later. BYE. Assalamualaikum. Will update tomorrow ayte.

Thursday, June 3, 2010 - Thursday, June 03, 2010

Hello Suckers! cheyy, kidding laah . HAH .

Hylwah[S]Dipsy is starting to call me , EffaUdaangLetakSambal . Naughty ehk kau ! HAH! Owwwhhh, mentang2 kau masak Udang Laut Masak sambal (Favouritekuu) lahh kan. HAHAHA! Aperh kau katerh pasal Sambal Udang tu ? PEDAS ehk ? Hmm... Udaang ke Sambal tuh yang pedas ? Confirm udang tu pasal UDANG TU KAN HOOOOOOOOOOOOOT ! haha, Inside joke uhh sayaang. HAHA.

So yeaaaah, Mama bought PRAWN CRACKERS , also known as KEROPOK UDANG. waaaah , Mama tawu seyhh kalau Renee suker Udaang. Let me tell youh something , the crackers are Delicious. Sedarph hingga menjlat jari dok. Haha! Owhkay, Im starting my merepekness again.

Planned to meet up with ZahwaSayaang , FatinAmirahCutestuff and HilmiChilay. Sorry ehk Hilmi kalau aku panggil kau Chilay, tapy race kau memang Chilay perh. FAKE! Chilay = Chinese+Malay. He's pure malay btw. HAHA! Asked mama if can go out or not and as usual the answer is NO. Overprotective much ?! Imma Teenager for gawd sake. K , before i start with my merepekness again, might as well update..

Guess whuaaaat , Mama and I cooked 2 Medium Pizzas for our family. I tried asking her whether I can Put prawn on one of the pizzas but , She said no. So , we just cooked Tuna and 'hawaiian' pizzas.

Alermak, Pizza dh masak uhhh. k , Bye. I wanna eat . Assalamulaikum.

Labels: ,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 - Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Mind that previous post ayte. I was bored so yeaah, nothing better to do. Arrgghh.. What shall I blog today uhh ? Nothing to update about. Siyal lah , mama asked me to study with my adeqs . sotong sak doraang. Aku nak concentrate pon takleh pasal si sotongs tu buat bising . Nabeyh. Macam manerh lah aku nak pass End of year exams ? Haish, can someone please Tutor me for FREEEEEEEEE ??? Cheyh haha. dh lah byee.

- Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Dugaan dari illahi

Terdiam dan aku terpaku
Pada kehidupan yang harus ditempuh
Kesemua jalan telah ku terajuh Tapi belum ada yang ku temu

Siang dan malam aku bertanya
pada diriku yang tidak bermaya
siapakah yang sudi untuk bersama
menjalankan kehidupan yang merana

Mengapakah derita yang harus melanda dalam hidupku
Mengapa sengsara yang harus ku halangi
Haruskah aku tempuhinya dengan rela hati
dengan cabaran dan kehidupan yang hitam
Tak akan ku kenang

Walaupun ini semua cabaran dengan dugaan dari illahi
Tak akan ku putus asal ku dan tetap ku berdiri
selama ini...
Kan tetap ku berdiri selama ini.

kan tetap ku berdiri selama ini..


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 - Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Bored at home.

Hello ass ! wee~ Im super duper excited as Next Thursday im going to pahang (?) with my awesome cousins. It'll be a blast. haha! :DDDDD

Yesterday, I did not go out. haish , biase lahh , parents are too over-protective. Basically , Maklong and paklong came ard 7++ . They brought Ice cream ; My favourite. hehe. then , maklong curled my hair using rollers (?) . Then, watched video at youtube. I forgot what video We watched. At 10++ , Maklong and Paklong went home. Studied geography while listening to Jiwang song ; dugaan dari illahi. Siyal lah, cannot concentrate seyh 'coz i cried . Kimaak, tu lagu seriously buat aku nanges non-stop. haish, sedyhsedyh.

to AmirulAsyraf,

Sorry sangat2 pasal takleh meet up untok cover lagu. Aku dh try bobal ngan mak aku tapy dier tak benarkan aku kluar. So yeaah, harap2 kau paham ngan keadaan aku. and btw, kirim salam ngan budak2 restiqude yg laen. :DD

dah laah . bye. assalamualaikum .