Hello world ~ It has been a very very long time since I last post a proper post. Life has been awesome. Very very awesome. Today's 9th of August . Happy 45th Birthday, Singapore ~ Hehe, Im Proud to be a Singaporean. owh, And Happy 14th Birthday Hairi. Sumer nak tengok fireworks. I pon nak tengok tapi mama tak bagy i kluar. -.-" Takper, kat teevee ader fireworks, leyh tengok . haha ! Owh and yeaah, I dah tukar number. Duer orang dah tawu number i. Haha ! I tak nak semue orang tawu number I pasal nanti bill I naek. Gyler punyer Effa . padahal Unlimited texting and free incoming . HAHA ! but still, i tak nak semue tawu number i . Weird siaa Effa . ^^ kay, nanti i Update.
Sorry for the sudden M.I.A . Malas siol nak update. Tapi Hylwah suruh I update, jadi I update uh. See Hylwah ? Baek hati aku. HAHA ! puji diri sendiri seyh. what only ! Arh, besok, nanti i update (Insyaallah) . Tak tawu aperh nak update uh. ^^
Hieee XD. Ni HYLWAAAH. Updatinngg for Sambal for todayy. Shitzxzxzx, i havent do my homework -.-. You will find my blog at Sambal's links aye. -
So so chat-ed with Smbal just now ((: {H} , gyyy msg dier laaa ! HUHU^^ . okaayy2. hmmm, the picture ontopp rightt^^ heackare(: So hows your life ? hehe, mine are awesome-r each dayy (: SupremeSupreme ~ There will be a national day celebration. GHAAAH~ wheee, gonna wear red colour tee , wait, whitee tee oso can right ? Tmrw, i got CIP -.- . Must go house to house for donno whuat>.< .HEHE, on fridayy mayb gonna bring my bro to skool for the community swing thingy. Comferm Smbal suker ? hahaha, anyone stayback to watch the audition thingy ? KOOOOLLLL TAWWWW XD. got alot of ppl play their guitar. Some even brought their elctric guitar. COOLCOOL XD.
so i sat with my kwn2. i didnt dare to look behind. Got my supreeeemeee Lover laa ((: kwn dier kcau me. taaaak baek ! HEHE. so 5++ alekkk umahhh. btw, i blog for ppl, but nvr update my blog. GAHAHA, okeee, gonna do my hw aye. Do visit my blog. my tagboard oso dead ((:
pssst, im not even an attacker-__-
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